Welcome to join our team and find collaborative opportunities!


Currently, we have 2024 PhD student and visiting scholar positions opening. Multiple undergraduate researcher positions are open for 2024 fall.  


We value scientific curiosity, determination and execution. We welcome undergraduates, graduate students and researchers who are driven by their strong scientific curiosity and who are fearlessly devoted to technology development in biomedical research. Our team is highly research-active with opportunities for inter-team mentorship and collaborative learning. We have diverse research interest and encourage chemists, material scientists, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, bioengineers and neuroscientists to join in our team and find collaborative opportunities.



For postdoc position applicants, please submit a cover letter, CV and the contact information of 3 reference letter writers to Prof. Rao via email directly.

Graduate students from any related department are encouraged to contact Prof. Rao via email directly.

Undergraduate students and visiting scholars are encouraged to contact Prof. Rao to discuss laboratory research opportunities. Due to the complicate nature of our research projects, only long-term (>1 yr) UG applicants will be considered.

We are particularly looking for highly motivated students with an interest in building magnetic electronics. Physics and electrical engineering background are not required but preferred.

Office: Room 2213, Biotechnology Building, 85 Murray Hill Rd, Vestal, NY 13850

Email address: syrao@binghamton.edu

Tel: 607-777-5784




Welcome to join our team and find collaborative opportunities

85 Murray Hill Rd
Vestal, NY 13850

